• Most of Blab is restored, the rest is coming soon ...
    - For the time being all paid forums are free.
    - An update on paid memberships is coming as soon as we get the details together.
    Keep checking for updates. You can also keep an eye on our Facebook page (link) for important announcements.

<b>Light Swearing and/or Rudeness are *Not* Modera

Light swearing (BS, "damn", etc.) is permitted. More extreme cursing is not permitted, except in the WOYM (What's On Your Mind) forum. Acroynms for more colorful and extreme cursing are not permitted (e.g., STFU) outside of WOYM, with the exception of appropriate use of our WTF smiley. The use of keyboard symbols (e.g. */#) in the place of letters do not change unacceptable content. The way it reads is what it says, even if symbols are substituted for letters.

Blab does not moderate "rudeness." Personal attacks and slights are not permitted (see below "Acceptable Post Content about Other People.") However, abruptness of tone, disagreement and/or contrary opinions are allowed. Posting anything on Blab opens it up to adverse comment and criticism.