• Most of Blab is restored, the rest is coming soon ...
    - For the time being all paid forums are free.
    - An update on paid memberships is coming as soon as we get the details together.
    Keep checking for updates. You can also keep an eye on our Facebook page (link) for important announcements.

<b><font face="Century Gothic" size="3" >What's on

The What's On Your Mind forum (aka WOYM) is special area of Blab for frank, adult discussion with very little moderation. Access to this forum is limited to paid members who are 18 or older, who have more than 300 posts on Blab, active for at least four months. You can request access from a moderator. Please take into consideration these rules regarding WOYM:

- You may not discuss, or make fun of other hobbyists by name or by inference.
- Do not use WOYM as a place to discuss threads started outside of WOYM.
- Swearing and cursing is permitted. Calling each other names is not permitted.
- If an image is gory the poster is requested to post a warning in the thread title.
- Extremely violent images are not permitted.
- All other Blab post content rules are in force in WOYM. Violations should be reported.
- The contents of discussions in WOYM must be kept in WOYM.

Please also keep the following in mind: If people are posting while upset or in duress, it is an inopportune time to quarrel with them over the wisdom of their actions. Furthermore, there is no protocol that requires people to be supportive during such times. Although we certainly hope that members will be supportive of one another, WOYM is not by definition a support group.