• Most of Blab is restored, the rest is coming soon ...
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    - An update on paid memberships is coming as soon as we get the details together.
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Please avoid resurrecting "zombie threads"

When you have found an interesting discussion and would like to participate, take a quick look at the date of the last post. Is it 9 months to a year old, or more? If so, in most cases it is much better to start a new thread, perhaps with a slight change in direction to give fresh inspiration to members to post. Link to the old thread if you think it adds to the discussion to include that source material.

Threads that concluded a discussion a year or more before a new post is made are nicknamed "zombie threads". People participating in the discussion have already said what they wanted to say. Often information is dated.

Some exceptions to not resurrecting dead threads are posting new updates and fresh information (not another opinion) to a thread about a particular event, transaction or person (not a hobbyist).

Members will find some very, very old threads that are still active, even though the first post was made years ago, such as "What is making you happy today?". There are several on Blab. Each of these individual threads is a particular Blab tradition, and remain active because of the continuous stream of current posts. They are not zombies but immortals. ;)